They Always Taunt Her Sport. Then She Decided To Do THIS, And Everybody Goes Crazy.

You might think, Angel Rice looks like any other typical cheerleader, but after you see her mind blowing moves, you have to think again about this 16-year-old beast.

Rice is an all-star tumbler from Atlanta, Georgia and definitely not a human. After watching this video of Rice at The All Star Games in Las Vegas last April, you’ll understand what she’s capable of. She completes 5 double twists and 4 passes in this 20-second routine.

She is truly something from out of this world. I bet most of you can’t able to wrap your head around her seamlessly bouncing back from one side of the mat to the other. If you are one of those who think cheerleading is not a sport, this will definitely flip your opinion…

Credit: Donald Holmes

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