Watch This Kid Educating Federer Who’s The BOSS? This Is Just AMAZING!

There are many occasions in past where we’ve seen younger education elders. It doesn’t matter who’s education who. What’s important is the lesson which needs to be learned.

It’s not often that someone gets one over on 17-time Grand Slam champion and legendary tennis player Roger federer, so it’s a bit of a big fuzz when it happens. And even more so when the person achieving this one over happens to be a little kid.

This video shows how a calm and patient kid came to on-board to face the tennis legend Roger federer with his brilliant shot during Madison Square Gardens exhibition match. I’m amazed to see hos this kid educating federer who’s the boss.

Credit: Sean Newell

SHARE this kid educating federer video with your sports-lover friends. They may learn something from it.

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