What Happened To The Old Good Pranks? I Wish There Should Be More Pranks Like This.

When the prank culture started, everyone goes with the cool and gentle pranks. Nowadays, the pranking industry changed drastically because pranksters try to reach the limits of humanity.

For example, a few weeks ago, a well know prankster named Sam Pepper had to feel ashamed because of his unacceptable women’s ass grabbing prank where he approaches unsuspecting women on the streets and his hand appears to be tucked into his sweatshirt pocket, but it’s really free for him to touch the women’s behinds. Everyone from the YouTube to a blogging community discourage his act of creepily grabbing womens’ butts just for the sake of prank.

There’s a (big) difference between a prank and assault. We need to try building the prank within it’s boundaries and appreciate other’s space. This prank reminds me of those old good pranks that makes someone’s day special.

Credit: Blake Grigsby

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