She’s Been Dead For Nearly 100 Years, But When I Look In Her Eyes? I’m Speechless.

About 100 years ago, Rosalia Lombardo, a 2-year-old Italian girl died of pneumonia. His father was so grieved upon her death that he doesn’t want to cremate her body. So, he decided to preserver her using the embalming technique.

Her body was embalmed and placed into a glass coffin kept inside the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo, Italy. Because of the excellent embalming technique, one glance at her body and it looks as though she’s still alive. That’s why people call her using the nickname, “Sleeping Beauty.”

Till now it’s the good part of the story, what’s bizarre is some of the reports from the visitors. People who visited her in the catacombs have reported that her eyes appear to open and close, and in the video below you’ll see a timelapse of what’s either an anomaly, or an optical illusion. People have difference of explanation, but I’m not sure what to think because it clearly looks like her eyes are closed in one picture and open in the next. I’ve left it to you to decide what’s the logical explanation.

Credit: KnownUnknowns

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