How Is Artificial Intelligence Improving Road Safety?

Artificial intelligence is taking over a host of industries (including logistics and supply management, science and finance), but top tech-focused companies (including Mercedes-Benz and Panasonic) are making it a priority in the vehicle industry as well. The current health crisis is everything; if in the past entertainment was outward-looking, today, it’s all about turning our homes and cars into entertainment centers that also keep us safe and promote wellness.

Recently, Panasonic Automotive Systems of America revealed its ‘Augmented Reality Head-Up display’, which relies on artificial intelligence to provide drivers with near and far-field information, detecting pedestrians and vehicle speed, and presenting this information to drivers. This is excellent news considering the fact that in a typical year, one pedestrian is killed in a traffic accident every 88 minutes.

Artificial Intelligence Improving Road Safety

Communicating With Pedestrians

A good example of a cutting-edge use of ‘deep learning’ – a complex AI type function that imitates the workings of the human brain – is’s fleet of modified Nissan NV200s, which contain four LED screens on the hood, two above each front tire, and one in the back of the car – which display messages to pedestrians to let them now what the car/driver intends to do. Messages displayed include ‘waiting’ (for the pedestrian to walk), ‘going’, and ‘entering’.

AI For Infotainment And Comfort

Mercedes-Benz recently presented its new Hyperscreen MBUX , which functions as an assistant whose goal is to improve the comfort and safety of passengers. As stated by accident injury specialists, the Lopez Law Firm, deaths from traffic crashes are on the rise, and one of the leading causes is distracted driving. As reported by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, research has found that almost 80% of crashes involved driver inattention three seconds prior to the crash. Mercedes’ Hyperscreen allows drivers to spend less time selecting from complex menus for aspects such as air conditioning, music and the like by making personalized suggestions regarding information, entertainment, and comfort.

AI To Prevent Potential Collisions

AI-focused company, Nauto has developed a multi-sensor device with cameras and computer vision focused both on the road and the driver. Its aim is to collate as much information as possible on both, to detect problems that could lead to a crash – including tailgating, hard braking, drowsiness and smoking. AI is used to process video miles in order to detect potential risks in real time. Any risks detected are reported to the driver immediately via audio and visual alerts so as to correct dangerous behaviors before they cause a crash.

Artificial intelligence is enabling companies in a host of industries to deliver more efficient services. In the realm of car manufacturing, it is currently playing an important role in reducing the rate of accidents and deaths. Thanks to the ability of AI to analyze millions of pieces of information and communicate the findings in real time, a plethora of injuries and deaths can be reduced for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. AI can also be used for infotainment purposes, enabling drivers to access what they need quickly via customized suggestions.

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