You Should Be Thankful For These 10 Great Privileges Of Your Life.

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” –Cynthia Ozick

The majority of us having many great privileges in our life, but how often do you appreciate them? We all take our things for granted because we didn’t know what life could be like on the other side. For example, one of the things we took for granted is education because it’s compulsory for all kids to go to school in our community. We never had given a thought on how lucky we were to be educated.

Every now and then, it doesn’t hurt to take a pause and appreciate for the good you have in your life. Below is a short list of great privileges that you should be grateful for in your life. If you think of many more things to be grateful for, then write them down in comments below. We would love to read them.

#1. You are alive.

Great privileges of life - You are alive.
Source: Malin Christin Longva

#2. You know someone who loves you.

You know someone who loves you.
Source: Ken

#3. You didn’t go to sleep hungry last night.

You didn’t go to sleep hungry last night.
Source: Alex Turton

#4. You have access to clean drinking water.

Great privileges of life - You have access to clean drinking water.
Source: Adampop

#5. You have access to medical care.

You have access to medical care.
Source: Alex Proimos

#6. You didn’t go to sleep outside.

You didn’t go to sleep outside.
Source: Mio Cade

#7. You haven’t spent a minute in fear for your life.

Great privileges of life - You haven’t spent a minute in fear for your life.
Source: Mike Kaser

#8. You have access to the Internet.

You have access to the Internet.
Source: nadege_t

#9. You can read.

You can read.
Source: Natalie Shuttleworth

#10. You had a choice of what clothes to wear this morning.

Great privileges of life - You had a choice of what clothes to wear this morning.
Source: Shutterstock

Credit: Marc and Angel

If you also have these great privileges in your life, then you should be grateful for them. Don’t forget to SHARE it with others.

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